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Why I Feel Sorry for Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin at the Time 100 Gala, in Manhattan...

Image via Wikipedia

This last weeks events in Arizona have put a sharp focus on divisive and inflammatory rhetoric in politics.  On     Saturday January 8th 2011, Gabrielle Giffords and 8 other victims were shot by a lone gunman, who was inspired by Sarah Palin‘s infamous target map.

View map here:

Now Sarah Palin is the target. After furious backpedaling on her inflammatory statements, her campaign claimed the crosshairs were not in fact crosshairs.

Is Sarah Palin responsible for inciting political hatred? It would be hard to say no. Is she directly responsible for this shooting? Well, the best that can be said is that she didn’t pull the trigger. I can’t think of worse luck for Sarah. Within 2 weeks of her daughter moving to a state, one of the worst politically motivated shootings in recent history occurred in her name.

The guilt by association can not be avoided. Not knowing Sarah personally, I would venture to say that in her wildest dreams, she never imagined that her statements would be used to murder a 9 year old child, who by tragic coincidence was also born on September 11th, 2011. All politics aside, as a mother herself, I would imagine it difficult for her to sleep these days.

Just one week ago, I met a girl I went to high school with 15 years ago. She told me that when we were in high school, she was afraid to change in the locker room. I told her that we were all women here, and no one had anything different or better to show than she did. After 15 years, she told me that gave her confidence to not be afraid or self conscious. What if I had said something rude to her, or been cruel? What would the effect have been? Don’t we all make comments and statements in the heat of an argument, or in ignorance? I can’t imagine how I would feel if something I said caused this much heartache and chaos.

The reason I bring this situation up is that although I am no Sarah Palin, what I said was remembered, and acted upon. Sarah Palin, as a political or social role model, should have realized her words and actions would be extremely influential. I have always had a saying: When you have the microphone, say something important. Sarah Palin has the microphone of political guidance in America, and it is a shame she used it so unwisely.

Furthermore, her political career is as good as dead. Despite not agreeing with her politics, I always admired Sarah as a stylish, outspoken role model for women in politics. Forever more, her name will be associated with a mad man who killed women, children, and innocent bystanders. I just can’t see her political team spinning this one out.

Although she more than likely will never publicly admit it, this situation has to weigh heavily on her. No apologies, press conferences, or jail sentences will bring the victims back to life. It is so easy to see politicians as caricatures and forget that they are humans as well. But they must feel, as we do. Although I disagree with Sarah politically, I won’t use my microphone to lambast her. As a human being, I know she realizes the immensity of her actions. That guilt is between her and the God she claims to serve now. For the rest of her life, she will have to consider that a 9 year old child died as a result of her commentary. I think that is more than enough punishment for the moment.

I hope this event will remind us that the words we use are real. You are an inspiration for someone, for better or worse. Let’s use our microphones to encourage and support, not tear down and destroy.

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